Builders Of The Adytum Lessons Pdf

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Download Builders Of The Adytum Lessons Pdf free. Keyence marking builder 2 software. Builders of the Adytum offers graded lessons based on the mystical teachings and practices of the Holy Qabalah. Builders of the Adytum was founded by Paul Foster Case originaly as the.

  1. Builders Of The Adytum Lessons Pdf
  2. Bota Builders Of The Adytum

TAROT FUNDAMENTALS Lesson Ten THE EMPRESS 'I'he noun 'empress' comes from a Latin root meaning 'to set in order, to arrange'. This, you will see, is in agreement with some ofthe meanings ofthe number 3 given in the preceding lesson. In Tarot, the Empress represents the inner side ofthe process which establishes order, and the Key fbllowing it in the series has to do with the outer side ofthe same process. By contrast with the High Priestess, who is a cold, virgin frgure corresponding to the moon, the Empress is warm and maternal. She is the Great Mother, pregnant with the world of form. In this figure all the mother goddesses ofthe ancient world are synthesized, but she is particularly Aphrodite, or Venus. Venus is also the astrological attribution ofthe letter Daleth, according to the school of Qabalists represented in these pages. Here two points of occult teaching may be of interest. According to H. P. Blavatsky's SECRET DOCTRINE, the human race owes much to an earlier de''elopment of conscicusncss conncctcd w-ith the planei Venus. Again, iir the Rosicrucian FAMA FRATERNITATIS, the entrance to the mysterious vault which contained all the secrets ofthe order, as well as the perfectly preserved body of its Founder, was discovered when one ofthe Brothers happened to remove a tablet of brass, a metal associated with the planet Venus. Furthermore, the vault itself had seven sides, and this heptagonal construction is found also in many alchemical diagrams typilying the perfection ofthe Great Work. Such perfection is, of collrse, a victory over all obstacles, and this idea of victory, linked with the number 7, is associated with Venus because Qabalists call the seventh Sephirah the Sphere of Venus. Put very simply, one meaning of all these mysterious hints is that the mental activities personified by the various mother deities, of whom Venus is a type, are those which lead to completion ofthe Great Work. Hence in the Qabalistic BOOK OF FORMATION, we find the idea of Wisdom associated with Daleth. The same book also attributes Folly to this letter. This is because the same activities, which, rightly understood and applied, lead to the discovery ofthe Great Secret, and enable us to complete the Great Work, are those which drive millions of men and women into all sorts of foolish thought and action. us300


Builders Of The Adytum Lessons Pdf

TAROT FI/NDAMENTALS t0 Tarot shows the positive, constructive aspects ofthe activity symbolized by the Great Mother. The negative, destructive activities are not represented. To picture them would be to synthesize all the Furies into one horrible figure, and even then the picture would fall short of representing adequately the menace of perverted and distorted mental imagery. Remember, subconsciousness accepts as true, and proceeds to develop by deduction, whatever suggestions are impressed on it by the habitual mental attitudes of self-consciousness. Subconsciousness is particularly susceptible to the words we use as predicates after the initial statement 'I AM'. A really practical occultist is careful to watch his words. He sees to it that he utters no statement he is unwilling to have realized in his external circumstances. Not even in jest will he say anything which belittles the 'I AM'. Early in his instruction he learns that the 'I AM' is, in very truth, a magic 'word of power'. This is the Lost Word of which so much has been said and written-lost because the profane world has forgotten its significance and its actual power. Yet the Lost Word is found, in every generation of mankind, by those who ripen into understanding. ll'he Empress, then, is Mother Nature personified as Venus. She clothes herself in the web of manifestation which entangles the minds of fools; but the wise see through appearances, and to them Nature unveils herself. The veil hiding truth is the veil of human ignorance. It may bc takcn away by those who know irow to choose their mental images. Green is the color associated with Daleth. It predominates in Key 3, as it does in nature. Note that green is produced by mixing yellow and blue, the colors associated with the Magician and the High Priestess. The Empress is a matronly figure and traditional interpretations tell us she is pregnant. This agrees with the fact that creative imagination results from the impregnation of subconsciousness by impulses originating in self-consciousness. Her hair is yellow, like that ofthe Fool, to symbolize radiant energy, The wreath binding it is of myrtle, a plant sacred to Venus. Myrtle is an evergreen shrub. Like the acacia, it is a symbol of immortality. On the Empress' head is a crown of twelve golden, six-pointed stars. This connects her with the woman in the Apocalypse, clothed with the sun and crowned with twelve stars. Like that woman, the Empress has the moon under her feet to show that the basis of her activity is the power symbolized by the High Priestess. The six-pointed stars represent universal forces. Thus the symbolism ofthe crown refers to the twelve modes of cosmic activity associated with the twelve signs ofthe zodiac. One idea conveyed by this detail ofthe symbolism is that subconsciousness, though it is influenced by

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    Builders of the Adytum g Tarot Fund

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  • Page 5 and 6: ,TAROT FUNDAA,IENTALS Mere perusal
  • Page 7 and 8: 7'rl RO7' I; UN Dtl tul ENTttr LS :
  • Page 9 and 10: TA RO T F' U N D A ]14 E N 7' A L 5
  • Page 11 and 12: 7'AROT FUNDAMENTALS: of the Kingdom
  • Page 13 and 14: TAROT' IIUN DAMENT'AI,S: 2 your wat
  • Page 15 and 16: TAROT FUNDAMENTALS Lesson Three TTT
  • Page 17 and 18: TAROT FUNDAA,TENTALS rn'ork in ever
  • Page 19 and 20: TAROT FUNDA]VIENTALS: One clue to w
  • Page 23 and 24: TAROT FUNDAA'TENTALS: is the gleen
  • Page 25 and 26: TAROT FUNDAMENTALS. being a cultiva
  • Page 27 and 28: TAROT FUNDAA'IENTALS: 4 Of all exis
  • Page 29 and 30: 'l',,1. ROT tt Ll N DA A,I IIN 7'A
  • Page 31 and 32: T'I ROT F I] N D A fuT EN 7-A LS Ag
  • Page 33 and 34: TAROT FUNDAMENTALS Lesson Six rHE M
  • Page 35 and 36: TAROT FUNDAMENTALS: This is the cru
  • Page 37 and 38: TAROT FUNDAA,TENTALS: 6 Because the
  • Page 39 and 40: TAROT FUNDAMENTALS attention to the
  • Page 41 and 42: TA ROT I; LIN DA l'tt ENTA LS The a
  • Page 43 and 44: 7'A ROT I; U N D A A,T ENTA LS. Amo
  • Page 45 and 46: TAROT FUNDAMENTALS Lesson Eight Tur
  • Page 47 and 48: TAROT FUNDAMENTALS: The root matter
  • Page 49 and 50: TAROT FUNDAMENTALS: 8 subconsciousn
  • Page 51 and 52: TAROT FUNDAMEITALS Lesson Nine CRE
  • Page 53 and 54: 7'A RO 7' F UN D A M tJ N T A LS :
  • Page 55: 7- A ROT F Ll N D A M E N 7'A LS :
  • Page 59 and 60: TAROT FUNDAMENTALS., IO The stream
  • Page 61 and 62: TAROT ]'{.]NDA MENTALS. 1 O enough
  • Page 63 and 64: TAROT F.UNDAMENTALS: ]1 This is tru
  • Page 65 and 66: 7'AROT FUNDAMENT'ALS: ll radio wher
  • Page 67 and 68: TAROT FUNDAMENTALS Lesson Twelve TH
  • Page 69 and 70: TAROT FUNDAMENTALS t2 the combinati
  • Page 71 and 72: TA RO T' h- U N D A I,l E N TA L S:
  • Page 73 and 74: TAROT FUNDAMENTALS: l2 Planets rush
  • Page 75 and 76: TAROT FUNDAMENTALS Lesson Thirteen
  • Page 77 and 78: TAllOT' t'-UNDIMENTALS: I 3 union o
  • Page 79 and 80: TA11OT FLINDAMENTALS 1J Thus the In
  • Page 81 and 82: TAROT F'UNDAMBNTALS Lesson Fourteen
  • Page 83 and 84: T'A IIOT' I,' (I N DA ].[ENTALS. ]
  • Page 85 and 86: I'tlROI' FUN DAA4ENT'ALS: t 4 'fl'r
  • Page 87 and 88: 7-A ROl- I'- UN DA A,I EN T'A LS.,
  • Page 89 and 90: TAROT' FI/NDAA4I'NTAI.S., I 5 The t
  • Page 91 and 92: 7-AROT FUNDA]4ENTAI.S.' I 5 extemal
  • Page 93 and 94: TAROT FUNDAMENTALS Lesson Sixteen T
  • Page 95 and 96: 7- A R O T 1' U N D A M E N T A L,
  • Page 97 and 98: T,AROT FUNDAMENTALS: I6 Now, no sin
  • Page 99 and 100: TAROT FUNDAMENTALS Lesson Seventeen
  • Page 101 and 102: TAROT F-UNDAMENTALS: ]7 Personality
  • Page 103 and 104: TAROT FLINDAMENTtL,t: i7 COLORING I
  • Page 105 and 106: 'l'A RO'l' F (tN DA I/IF:N'I'A LS:
  • Page 107 and 108:

    'l'tl IIOT lr tlhL DA ^4 ENTALS:,/8

  • Page 109 and 110:

    7'ARO7' f.UNDA14[,NT',1t,5. I I In

  • Page 111 and 112:

    TA llOT ]t{lN D,,l tr4 EN'l'A LS :,

  • Page 113 and 114:

    TAROT FUNDAMBNTALS Lesson Nineteen

  • Page 115 and 116:

    7'A]IOT lIUN DA NI EN7-AL,. ] 9 l

  • Page 117 and 118:

  • Page 119 and 120:

    7'A ROT' lIT]N DA A4EN'IA 1,,'. ] 9

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    TAROT' lrLlNDt1MENTALS: 20 sovereig

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  • Page 125 and 126:

    7'A li()I' Ftl N DA lvlENTA l,S : 2

  • Page 127 and 128:

    'IARO7' I;UNDA AI EN'fAI,S., 2O oel

  • Page 129 and 130:

    T'A IIOT' FI]N DAA,IENTAL,S. 2 ] co

  • Page 131 and 132:

    TlllOT' F(tNDAIvIENTALS: 2l It is s

  • Page 133 and 134:

    T'A]IO7' T;TlNDAMENT'ALS 2 1 Tt has

  • Page 135 and 136:

    7'A ItOT };IINDAA,IENT'l L,S. 22 of

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  • Page 139 and 140:

    TAROT F'UNDAMENTALS Lesson Twentv-t

  • Page 141 and 142:

    '1' ;1 ll O 7' 1; (/ N I) I A,l li

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    TAItO',t',ruNDAA.t tiN't't LS. 23

  • Page 145 and 146:

    TAROT FUI{DAMENTALS Lesson Twenfv-f

  • Page 147 and 148:

    7'tl IlOl'l:ll At DAi,l liA/f.l/-,

  • Page 149 and 150:

    7':1 R O 7' I; Li At 1).4 ltl li N'

  • Page 151 and 152:

    Bur[Oeps otr f,$]€ a0ygurn,[t;S.

  • Page 153 and 154:

    l'A ROT' ]i (.J N D tl A.,t EN7'.'t

  • Page 155 and 156:

    'I'ARO'I FIJNDAMIiNT'AI,S. 25 The t

  • Page 157 and 158:

    t'A to7' TIlN Dt A,,t ENT,l LS. 2(

  • Page 159 and 160:

    TIROT I;(INDAA4ENTtILS: 26 'fhe wom

  • Page 161 and 162:

    .I'A RO'I' I'-UN DAA4 EN'TALS. 26 I

  • Page 163 and 164:

    TA ROT F U N DA M EN 7,4 L,9., 27 T

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    TA I O T F, {J N D A A,I E N TA L S

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    7'ARO7'FUNDAMENTAI.S 28 'l'hc legs

  • Page 171 and 172:

    TAROT' FUN DAMENT'ALS,. 28 opposite

  • Page 173 and 174:

    TAROT FUNDAMENTALS Lesson Twentv-ni

  • Page 175 and 176:

    TAIIOT' F{JNDAMENTALS: 29 As a nout

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    TAROI' FllNDAMENTALS: 30 The woman'

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    T'AROT FLlNDAMENTILS,. 3O fhe same

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    TAROT FUNDAA4ENTALS: 3l This point

  • Page 187 and 188:

    7-AROT FUNDAMENTALS. 3l concentrati

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    TA]IOT FUNDIMENT'ILS., 32 Tlris cry

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    TAROT FUNDAMENTALS: 32 shows the as


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    TA]]OT' I'(/NDAMENTALS. 32 it. You

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    TAROT FUNDAMENTALS Lesson Thirty-th

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    T' A IIO T' F (l N D A M EN I tl L

  • Page 201 and 202:

    TA ROI' FUN DA I,IEN'l'A LS : -33 R

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    T A I O 7' ]I I1 N D A M E N T A ],

  • Page 205 and 206:

    TAROT FUNDAMEITALS Lesson Thirfv-f

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    TAROT FUNDAMENTALS: 34 I(ey I 5 the

  • Page 209 and 210:

    TA IlO'T I' UNDA MENT'ALS: 34 Thus

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  • Page 213 and 214:

    TAROT FUNDAMENTALS: 35 are making a

  • Page 215 and 216:

    TAROT FUNDAMENTALS Lesson Thirty-si

  • Page 217 and 218:

    TAROT FUNDAMENTALS: 36 The average

  • Page 219 and 220:

    TAROT F(/NDAMENTALS: 36 What is tno

  • Page 221 and 222:

    TAROT FT'NDAMENTALS Lesson Thirty-s

  • Page 223 and 224:

    T'tl llO't 1.-LI NDAI.tENTtt,,S; 37

  • Page 225 and 226:

    I'ARO'l' F LlNDAMEN'ftll,S. 37 COLO

  • Page 227 and 228:

    'f A liO7' t,' LIN D A lvt EN T';1

  • Page 229 and 230:

    TA1IO7' III]NDAA,IENT'A],5 38 curre

  • Page 231 and 232:

    'ftl llOT I; Ll At DA A4 11N'l't1 L

  • Page 233 and 234:

    TAROT FUNDAMENTALS Lesson Thirfv-ni

  • Page 235 and 236:

    TAROT'FUNDAMENTAI,S 39 'The product

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    T'A IIOT F- UN DA M r,:N7-A LS. 4 O

  • Page 241 and 242:


  • Page 243 and 244:

    7'AROT F'UN DIMENT'ALS. 4O Not alo

  • Page 245 and 246:

    TAROT FUNDAMENTALS: 4 I represents

  • Page 247 and 248:

    AROT FI-]NDAA,IENTALS,. 4] vibratio

  • Page 249 and 250:

    T'AllO7' FUN DAMENT'ALS: 4 I alchem

  • Page 251 and 252:

    T'AROT F-UNDAA,{ENTAI,S: 42 (salien

  • Page 253 and 254:

    TAROT FUNDAMENTALS: 42 materials ar

  • Page 255 and 256:

    ,TAROT I;(/NDAMENT'AI,S. 42 In thes

  • Page 257 and 258:

    TAROT F(INDAA,lENTALS': 42 Telegrap

  • Page 259 and 260:

    TAROT FUIDAMENTALS Lesson Forty-th

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    7'tROT tt{t NDAA4EN't'At,,. 43 COL

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    T'ARO'f FUNDAA,lENTALS: 44 The iceb

  • Page 267 and 268:

    TAROT FUNDAA,IENTALS: 44 represente

  • Page 269 and 270:

    T/ROT ITLINDAMENTALS: 44 line to th

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    TtlROT' F UNDAA,IENTALS. 44 Will-po

  • Page 273 and 274:

    TAROT FUNDAMENTALS Lesson Fortv'fiv

  • Page 275 and 276:

    TAROT FUNDAMENTALS 45 'l'hus The Bo

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    TAROT FUNDAMENTALS Lesson Fortv-six

  • Page 279 and 280:

    T A R O T F' L/ N D A A,I EN TA L S

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    7'A I O T F U N D A M E N T A L 5.

  • Page 283 and 284:

    TAROT FUNDAMENTALS. In the followin

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    TAROT FUNDAMENTALS: 47 Dlv 4: Knys

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    TAROT FUNDAMENTALS: 47 D,c.y 12: Kn

  • Page 289 and 290:

    7'AROT FUNDAMENTALS: 47 Day 21: Usn

  • Page 291 and 292:

    TAROT FUNDAMENTALS: 47 You are now

Bota Builders Of The Adytum

Paul Foster Case - BOTA - Introduction to Tarot - 1922
Paul Foster Case (1884-1954) founded the School of Ageless Wisdom and
the Builders of the Adytum (BOTA), which is active today. In the
archive, we have Case's Seven Steps in Practical Occultism (c. 1936),
Tarot Fundamentals (c. 1936), The Master Pattern (c. 1950 from internal
evidence), Tarot Interpretation Lessons 8-32 (c. 1950, from internal
evidence), 32 Paths Lessons 1-17 (c. 1950, from internal evidence), The
Tree of Life (c. 1950, from internal evidence), introduction to tarot
(c. 1922), and lessons 1-4, 6 and 9 of his The Great Work (c. 1930).
Case's material is undated, anonymous and without copyright or ownership
statements. We have identified Case as the author from [a] explicit
references to BOTA within the text and [b] explicit reuse of material in
these lessons, in published Case texts.
Source :
Paul Foster Case - BOTA - Introduction to Tarot – 1922 - 183 pages - 33,0 Mo
Paul Foster Case - BOTA - The Great Work Lessons_1-4 & 6-9 – 1930 - 98 pages – 67,5 Mo
Paul Foster Case - Tarot Fundamentals – 1936 – 479 pages - 142 Mo
Paul Foster Case - 32 Paths Lessons 1-17 – 1950 – 316 pages - 80,8 Mo
Paul Foster Case - The Tree of Life – 1950 - 621 pages - 154 Mo
Paul Foster Case - The Master Pattern – 1950 - 213 pages - 251 Mo
Paul Foster Case - Tarot Interpretation Lessons 8-32 - 1950 - 359 pages - 98,4 Mo
Paul Foster Case - Hermetic Alchemy Science Practice - 1931 - 311 pages - 9,27 Mo
Paul Foster Case - Tarot Revelations – 1931 - 346 pages - 18,7 Mo
Paul Foster Case - Learning Tarot Essentials - 1932 - 319 pages - 11,0 Mo
Paul Foster Case - The True and Invisible Rosicrucian Order 4th ed - 1985 - 338 pages - 14,8 Mo
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