Grubinst_gui.exe Can`t Run Background Program

Posted on by admin

For example, in Bash, I can do this:

Is there any equivalent in Windows? I can't seem to figure out a way to do this with the windows version of emacs.

Windows uses Services for background tasks with no shell, but they have to be specially coded - you can't just run any command as a service. The closest you'd get would maybe be the start command, which starts a new shell. – paddy Jan 9 '14 at 21:12. Replacement of GrubInst_gui.exe (VPE c't-Edition). The grub4Dos installer fails to install grub with the message 'Can't run the background program'.

Jason BakerJason Baker

7 Answers

The command to launch programs from the command-line in Windows is 'start'

You may want to use the MIN option to start a program minimized

Kevin KuphalKevin Kuphal

I don't know if it will be sufficient, but try

It will not go into background but it will rather start separate cmd.exe window for the command.


Depends on which version of Windows you're using.

In Vista you should be able to type the name of the exe in your path and have it live after the command prompt is closed.


start calc

The START command is used at an MS-DOS prompt to start an MS-DOS-based or Windows-based program. The program is started as a separate task that can be run in the foreground or background.


Unfortunately I do not think that this is possible.

You can do this in a Windows Scripting Host script, with something like:

Where the '0' states that the resulting window should be hidden (for other options, see the documentation at and the 'true' states that you want to wait for the command to complete before your script carries on.


It would be a simple exercise to wrap this up in a generic 'run this command hidden' script that you could use from the command line.

If you have Microsoft's new new PowerShell installed, then there may be an easier way to do this (I've not worked with PowerShell yet).

If you are happy to have the window minimised then you can do that with the 'start' command that other mention. Unfortunately the '/B' option (which sounds like it is what you want) is only for commands and it doesn't stop windowed applications appearing on screen.

Note: which ever of the above you use to you start a program with a hidden/minimised main window, there is nothing to stop it creating new windows that are visible, or bringing the main window up and into focus, once it is running.

David SpillettDavid Spillett

HaHa,I successed ,To use sublime text3 as a server of markdown preview is my propose,after I closed sublime text's window,i won't work.I'd try many methods,at last it works.first,you should create a bat to start this program.

sencond,run this bat by schedule task.

This result is that it works to avoid to show sublime text window.and it work conflict with sublime text normally opened.

Maybe you had guessed ,I use OmniMarkupPreviewer plugin to preview markdown.I had fixed this bug(or not perfect feature) that it uses different view id every time.


Linux Run Background

sc create service and run it has special chars on the file and parameters for example

Color Run Background


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Getting the error: Not a valid 32-bit application can have many causes:
I have listed some of them below.

Jobs That Don't Run Background Checks

File is corrupt, bad, or missing.
- If the hard disk drive is corrupted or bad it can cause working programs to fail either because not all the data can be read from the hard disk drive or because the program has become corrupted while on the drive. Run scandisk and defrag on the hard disk drive to check for any potential errors.
- If you're running the program from a shortcut on the computer, verify that the program is still on the computer. In some cases if the program is no longer installed on the computer you may get this error.

File is not designed for your version of Windows:
- If you're trying to run a program that is not designed for your version of Windows you may get this error.
- Although many older programs designed to work in older versions of Windows will work with new versions of Windows, unfortunately, not all programs will work.
- If the program is an older MS-DOS program or early Windows program you may get this error.
- If the program is designed for a 64-bit version of Windows and you're running it in a 32-bit version of Windows, it will not work and generate this error.

File is a virus, worm, or other malware file.
This error can be generated by a file that is a virus, worm, trojan, or other type of malware file. Often, this will be caused because the virus scanner installed in the computer will not allow the file to be installed or run. Try scanning the file to verify it is not a virus and/or infected.
- If the file has been checked and is clean, it is still possible that the virus protection program and/or another program installed on the computer is causing issues during the install or execution of the program. Boot the computer into Safe Mode and try running the program; booting the computer into Safe Mode will make sure nothing is running in the background that could be causing this issue.

Hardware incompatibility.

- If you're getting this error during the installation of a program it's also possible that the CD-ROM drive or the drive you're installing the program from is not compatible with Windows or has drivers that are not compatible with Windows.
- Download the latest drivers for your CD drive or other drive from the computer manufacturer or from the hardware manufacturer. (Microsoft does not make driver for other hardware)

Hope one of the suggestions above will help with your issue.