Real Time Data Feeder For Amibroker Crack
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Hereis another the happy news for traders, After Real Time Feeder we areintroducing another application called Nest to AmiBroker Data Feeder (NADF). Nestto AmiBroker Data Feeder is a utility which facilitates to transfer data fromNEST Trading Terminal to Amibroker. Which provides RealTime and Backfill datato Amibroker from Nest Trading Terminal, it supports NSE equity, NSE futures andOption, MCX, Currency Market (CDS), and also BSE Exchanges.
Nestto AmiBroker Data Feeder takes Real Time data from Nest Terminal using RTDfeature of Nest Terminal and it provides Backfill from Nest Plus Data table,also provides google Backfill for NSE equity stocks.
Apr 10, 2014 - We have now found a small piece of software (about 1.5 MB) that can get you real time NSE data for Amibroker. This software (Data Feeder) is. Real Time DATA in Amibroker for Free. If u take nse yahoo symbols as tls files and load it in amibroker u get data from yahoo but till now it was delayed.sources. Realtime Data for Amibroker, Real Time NSE Data, MCX Data Providers, Amibroker Data Feeder, Market Data, Real Time Data, Tick by Tick Data.
(874MB) (896MB) (999MB) (359MB) Kidou Senshi Gundam vs. Sniper elite 3 highly compressed psp.
- UpdatesRealTime Tick data to Amibroker.
- Updatesdata for all the available symbols in the watchlist
- Usercan backfill data using Nest Plus data table.
- Yahoo backfill facility available for NSE equity stocks.
- Usercan Map the watchlist symbols as he required.
- WorksOn booth 32 and 64 bit operating system.
- Easyto navigate the application.
- SupportsNSE equity, NSE futures and Option, MCX, Currency Market (CDS), and also BSEExchanges.
Features | NADF Trial | NADF PRO |
License | 30 Days | Lifetime [Future updates will be provided Free] |
RealTime Data | Only 2 Symbols | All Symbols avilable availble in the watchlist |
Backfill | Only 2 Symbols | Unlimited Symbols [user can backfill any number of symbol using Data Table] |
YahooBackfill | Only 2 Symbols | Suports more than 500 NSE equity symbols |
Auto update to AmiBroker | Yes | Yes |
Support | Facebook, E-mail | Facebook, E-mail, Ammy Admin |
Fees | Free | One time Remuneration Fee of Rs 1999/- + Convenience Fees (2% + Rs3) |
TRY NOW | PAY FEES NOW You can pay the Remuneration Fee for our work using your credit card / debit card or net banking facility and get NADF Professional Version. It is a flat one-time fee (not a subscription) and you can use the program for life. You also get free technical support over email. NOTE : You Should Provide a GMAIL ID while paying for the NADF Pro(where you have to enter your email id). If you have any questions then send an email at x |
NOTE: Fees once paid willnot be refunded, so we recommend you to download Trial version and test, ifNADF suites you then go for Pro version.
* We have checked NADF with NEST 3.11 and 3.13, 3.14 and 3.16 it is compatible with this version, may can check it with other version of NEST Terminal.
*Click here to Know How To Use Nest To Amibroker Data Feeder.How To Use Amibroker
* To run Nest to Amibroker Data Feeder you need Microsoft dot net 4.6, you can download it here
* We are not authorized data reseller, we are providing data from available free sources . We are not responsible for authenticity of data.
* We are not authorized data reseller, we are providing data from available free sources . We are not responsible for authenticity of data.